
from dmi_registry r, dm_type t
where r.is_audittrail = 1
and t.r_object_id = r.registered_id

select r.registered_id, r.event,r.user_name
from dmi_registry r
where r.is_audittrail = 1

How to get the deleted documents list in a cabinet using DQL in Documentum?

select r_object_id from dm_cabinet where object_name = ‘Reports’

SELECT * FROM dm_audittrail d, dm_audittrail l
WHERE d.event_name = ‘dm_destroy’
AND l.event_name = ‘dm_link’
AND d.audited_obj_id = l.audited_obj_id
AND (l.id_1 = ‘0c0271838587137a’
OR l.id_1 IN (SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_folder WHERE CABINET(ID(‘0c0271838587137a’), DESCEND)))

Audit Report by Month

In an audit trail, I want to count the number of users who viewed (dm_getfile event)
all the documents that belong to a particular object type every month. These documents are in a specific folder of a cabinet.

SELECT DATETOSTRING(time_stamp, ‘yyyy/mm’) AS period, COUNT(distinct user_name) AS viewers
FROM dm_audittrail
WHERE object_type = ‘cms_in_clearings_doc’
AND event_name = ‘dm_getfile’
AND DATEFLOOR(year, “time_stamp”) = DATEFLOOR(year, DATE(’01/01/2024′, ‘mm/dd/yyyy’))
AND audited_obj_id IN (
SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_sysobject (all)
WHERE folder(‘/Accounts’, descend)
GROUP BY DATETOSTRING(time_stamp, ‘yyyy/mm’)

What is being audited?

Whether we need to configure auditing for a new solution or figure out why some event was not audited, we may have to answer the question, “What is currently being audited in my repository?” Here are some handy queries to help you do just that.

List all configured audit events

This query is not very helpful other than getting the total count and the object ID’s. The queries that follow later join with various types to provide user-friendly information.

select r.registered_id, r.event,r.user_name
from dmi_registry r
where r.is_audittrail = 1

Across-the-board  audit configuration

select 'ALL',r.event,r.user_name
from dmi_registry r
where r.is_audittrail = 1
and r.registered_id = '0000000000000000'

Audit configuration for types

from dmi_registry r, dm_type t
where r.is_audittrail = 1
and t.r_object_id = r.registered_id

Audit configuration for Sysobjects

select t.object_name,r.event,r.user_name
from dmi_registry r, dm_sysobject t
where r.is_audittrail = 1
and t.r_object_id = r.registered_id

Audit configuration for users

select t.user_name,r.event,r.user_name
from dmi_registry r, dm_user t
where r.is_audittrail = 1
and t.r_object_id = r.registered_id

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