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Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) are transformative tools in the…

xCP Application Uninstaller

It is the latest bundle for subsequent release of xCP Application Uninstaller v1.0 available here. The idea remains same, it is to ease deployment hurdles or free up the resources in DEVELOPMENT environment. This time it is relatively easy to use as it is integrated with xMs-Agent. And offers the complete uninstallation including undeploying the…

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Counting DQL

queries to count Number of documents created:select datetostring(r_creation_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’) as creation_date, count(*) as document_count, r_object_type from dm_document where r_creation_date >=DATE(TODAY)-7 group by datetostring(r_creation_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’), r_object_type Number of folders created:select datetostring(r_creation_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’) as creation_date, count(*) as folder_count from dm_folder where r_creation_date >=DATE(TODAY)-7 group by datetostring(r_creation_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’) Number of workflows created:select datetostring(r_start_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’) as wf_start_date, count(*) as workflow_count from dm_workflow where r_start_date >=DATE(TODAY)-7 group…

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Business Activity Monitor

The Business Activity Monitor (BAM) is part of the  xCelerated Composition Platform (xCP).BAM collects and store process execution data, prepare it for reporting and provides a real-time dashboard display environment. BAM reports are displayed in dashboards designed in TaskSpace. BAM solution The BAM solution is a selection of Documentum components: Content Server, BAM database, BAM server,…

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IBM FileNet

IBM FileNet is an enterprise content management (ECM) solution designed to manage large volumes of content and automate business processes. It is particularly well-suited for organizations that need to handle complex workflows, ensure regulatory compliance, and securely store and manage content. Key Features of IBM FileNet Use Cases for IBM FileNet Benefits of IBM FileNet…

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Choosing the right product for Content Management

Comparing Documentum with other Content Management System (CMS) products involves evaluating key features, strengths, and use cases across various platforms. Documentum, by OpenText, is an enterprise content management (ECM) system known for its robust capabilities in managing large volumes of content with stringent compliance and governance requirements. Here’s a comparison with other prominent CMS and…

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Useful Batch Command

constant pinging with timestamp: @echo offSET TARGET=<server name or IP>IF “%~1” NEQ “” SET TARGET=%~1 ping -t %TARGET%|cmd /q /v /c “(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p “data=” && echo(!time! !data!)&ping -n 2 localhost >nul” > C:\Temp\rociolopez.txt output looks like:

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•Documentum XPlan is a powerful tool that enhances the capabilities of the Documentum ECM platform by providing advanced project planning, document management, and workflow automation features. •It is ideal for organizations that need to manage complex projects and workflows, ensuring efficient resource utilization, improved collaboration, and compliance with industry regulations. Features

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Streamlining Business Processes with Documentum BPS: An In-Depth Guide

Introduction Documentum Business Process Services (BPS) is a crucial component of the Documentum enterprise content management (ECM) platform, designed to streamline and automate business processes. Documentum BPS helps organizations manage the lifecycle of business information with advanced workflow solutions and integration capabilities. This article provides a deep dive into the functionalities, benefits, and real-world applications…

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Understanding Documentum Taskspace: A Comprehensive Guide for Enterprises

Documentum Taskspace is a configurable, user-friendly interface tailored for business process management (BPM) within the EMC Documentum platform. It offers a unified environment designed to enhance productivity by streamlining the management of tasks and workflows. This article explores the key features, benefits, and practical applications of Documentum Taskspace in enterprise settings. Key Features of Documentum…

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Documentum File System

Documentum uses a sophisticated approach to manage documents and data, referred to as the Content Server and the underlying storage known as the Documentum File System (DFS). This setup is integral to Documentum’s ability to handle enterprise-level content management requirements efficiently. Here’s an overview of how the Documentum File System works and its key components:…

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WebTop – old is gold

Webtop is a web-based client interface for Documentum, a content management platform by OpenText. It provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to access, manage, and collaborate on content stored within the Documentum repository. Webtop’s user-friendly interface is designed to facilitate a wide range of document and content management activities directly from a web…

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