Enable Captiva Cloud Toolkit (CCT) Logging

Follow the steps below to enable CCT logging:

  1. Stop the service “EMC Captiva Cloud Service”.
  2. Go to “<PROGRAM FILES>\EMC Captiva\Captiva Cloud Runtime” directory.
  3. Backup the files “Emc.Captiva.WebCaptureRunner.exe.config”, “Emc.Captiva.WebCaptureService.exe.config” and “Emc.Captiva.WebToolkitHost.exe.config”.
  4. Download the 3 config files below
    1. Emc.Captiva.WebToolkitHost.exe.config
    2. Emc.Captiva.WebCaptureService.exe.config
    3. Emc.Captiva.WebCaptureRunner.exe.config
  1. Put these files to the “<PROGRAM FILES>\EMC Captiva\Captiva Cloud Runtime” directory and replace the already existing config files.
  2. Create the folder: “C:\CaptivaCloudLogs”.  Note that the CCT Service will not create this directory. Therefore, If logging is enabled and this folder isn’t created, then Cloud Capture Service will not start.
  3. Start the CCT service again.
  4. Try the test case, the log files will be created in the directory “C:\CaptivaCloudLogs”.

Follow the steps below to stop CCT logging:

  1. Stop the service “EMC Captiva Cloud Service”.
  2. Go to “<PROGRAM FILES>\EMC Captiva\Captiva Cloud Runtime” directory.
  3. Delete the files “Emc.Captiva.WebCaptureRunner.exe.config”, “Emc.Captiva.WebCaptureService.exe.config” and “Emc.Captiva.WebToolkitHost.exe.config”.
  4. Restore the backed up config files.
  5. Start the CCT service again.

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