Category: Content Server
Changing the Docbase ID after installation
The repository was cloned and in the end when they tried to start it up if failed because the wrong Docbase ID was used. Can this be fixed without repeating the exercise? All the post cloning tasks were completed. There is a migration utility under $DM_HOME/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil that allows you to change the docbase ID.
execute job using script
A job is simply an object that schedules the execution of the associated method. So you can either update the dm_job.run_now attribute or you can run the method directly using IDfSession.apply method, e.g. session.apply(null, “DO_METHOD”, args, dataTypes, values);
content conversion – from encrypt to decrypt
We have some content stored in encrypted filestore. We are using Documentum 20.2. Can I decrypt the encrypted files manually and move it to normal filestore? If yes, then how to decrypt the files manually? By moving it to a non-encrypted filestore, e.g. fetch,c,<doc-id> set,c,l,a_storage_type <non-encrypted-store-name> save,c,l Or via MIGRATE_CONTENT administration method.
Create table using API
— // Drop the Tableexecsql,c,DROP TABLE DMS_AUDITexecsql,c,COMMIT — // Create the Tableexecsql,c,CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DMS_AUDIT]([r_object_id] nvarchar NOT NULL,[audited_obj_id] nvarchar NOT NULL,[time_stamp] nvarchar NULL,[user_name] nvarchar NOT NULL, [user_id] nvarchar NOT NULL, [chronicle_id] nvarchar NOT NULL, [object_name] nvarchar NULL, [object_type] nvarchar NOT NULL,[event_name] nvarchar NOT NULL,[event_source] nvarchar NOT NULL,[event_description] nvarchar NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]execsql,c,COMMIT –############TABLE my_attrib_definitions Population #####—…
Changing Documentum Installation Owner
There is a migration utility under $DM_HOME/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil that allows you to change the installation owner. 1 Backup/Snapshot of VM Image2 Backup/Snapshot of Database3 Create new Install Owner for Production (ADUC account).4 Copy MigrationUtil on the Documentum Server.5 Update the JDBC drivers to JDBC5.jar in the MigrationUtil folder.6 Make copy of Config.xml within the same folder…
Table analysis
Query (DQL) to find tables created recently: select * from dm_dbo.dm_sysobjects where “type” = ‘U’ order by crdate desc
Find dm_job report logs:
In Documentum, job reports are typically generated and stored in specific locations depending on the type of job. You can find the reports for Documentum jobs in the following places: 1. Documentum Administrator (DA) 2. File System (Log Files) 3. API Output 4. Job-Specific Locations How to Access Reports:
Seven Essential Jobs – You Must Know
Development environments often become corrupted and unusable due to the heavy use they undergo as temporary and experimental spaces. Documentum offers housekeeping jobs within the Content Server that, when properly utilized, can prevent development environments from becoming dysfunctional. There are seven essential jobs every developer should know and run regularly in their development environments. These…
Should we upgrade SQL Server 2016 compatibility from level 100 to 130?
Upgrading the compatibility level of your SQL Server 2016 database from 2008 (compatibility level 100) to 2016 (compatibility level 130) can provide significant benefits, including better performance and access to modern features. However, before deciding, it’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Reasons to Upgrade Compatibility Level Potential Risks and Considerations Recommended Approach…
In MS SQL Server, can you run reindex tables in parallel?
Yes, in MS SQL Server, you can run index rebuilds in parallel by using multiple CPU cores, but this is managed internally by SQL Server and depends on a few factors, such as the version of SQL Server, the edition (Enterprise vs. Standard), and system resources like CPU and memory. To explicitly run index rebuilds…