Category: Content Server
Documentum Records Queue Management for RPS
OpenText™ Documentum™ customers with large compliant repositories can face performance challenges during Workorder processing. To alleviate this issue, OpenText Documentum Records Policy Services has a WorkOrder framework to asynchronously process operations in the background. Using multiple background processing threads enables a higher throughput than is possible in the primary request processing thread.To use this functionality,…
Tomcat configuration
type windows command “regedit” and find this location. and configure all tomcat configuration, and then go to the following path: configuration: D:\tomcat-9.0.85-8090-CMIS\bin\bootstrap.jar;D:\tomcat-9.0.85-8090-CMIS\bin\tomcat-juli.jar or, if you want to use a customconf folder: D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\bin\bootstrap.jar;D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\bin\tomcat-juli.jar;D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\Customconf -Dcatalina.home=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV-Dcatalina.base=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV-Dignore.endorsed.dirs=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\endorsed-Djava.io.tmpdir=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\temp-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager-Djava.util.logging.config.file=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\conf\logging.properties-Dlog4j2.configurationFile=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\bam\log4j2.properties-Dbam.properties=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\bam\bam.properties-Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,SPI-XX:+UseParallelOldGC-Xdebug-Xnoagent-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n –add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED–add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED–add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED–add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED–add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED log: start: stop:
DQL to find the count of documents in each folder location under /Cabinet/FolderA/FolderB.
Linked documents can definitely affect your folder count. Below is a modified version of your query to help identify where these linked documents might be located: SELECT fdr.r_folder_path, COUNT(doc.r_object_id) as doccnt,sum(doc.i_reference_cnt) as refcnt, sum(doc.r_full_content_size)/1024 as sizeKBFROM dm_document (ALL) doc, dm_folder_r fdrWHERE ANY doc.i_folder_id = fdr.r_object_idAND fdr.r_folder_path like ‘/Temp%’GROUP BY fdr.r_folder_path ORDER BY fdr.r_folder_path result looks…
Four views for each subtype
In Documentum, data is stored in various object types, with dm_document being one of the most frequently used. To effectively interact with this object type, Documentum provides different views, each serving a specific purpose. These views are designed to handle both single-valued (non-repeating) and repeating attributes, and they are accessed by different components of the…
Best Practices for Creating Indexes in Documentum
Efficient data retrieval is critical in content management systems like Documentum, where large volumes of data are managed. One way to optimize query performance is by indexing key attributes. However, creating indexes on Documentum base tables requires careful consideration and proper methods. It is strongly recommended that all indexes be created within Documentum itself, not…
Steps to recover deleted document from Docbase
NOTE :This approach is useful only when dm_DMClean and dm_DMFilescan jobs are not run on the repository after the document is deleted. 1. Query the dmr_content table to find the details of the deleted file SYNTAX : select r_object_id from dmr_content where full_format='<deleted document format>’ and set_file like ‘<Deleted document name>’ Example : select r_object_id from dmr_content where…
select t.name,r.event,r.user_namefrom dmi_registry r, dm_type twhere r.is_audittrail = 1and t.r_object_id = r.registered_id select r.registered_id, r.event,r.user_namefrom dmi_registry rwhere r.is_audittrail = 1 How to get the deleted documents list in a cabinet using DQL in Documentum? select r_object_id from dm_cabinet where object_name = ‘Reports’0c0271838587137a SELECT * FROM dm_audittrail d, dm_audittrail lWHERE d.event_name = ‘dm_destroy’AND l.event_name = ‘dm_link’AND…
Retention – Query
find all the workorders currently in progress: SELECT r_object_id, object_name, completion_status, mw.object_name, w.master_workorder_idFROM dmc_rps_work_order w, dmc_rps_master_work_order mwwhere completion_status = ‘PROCESSING’and mw.r_object_id = w.master_workorder_id SELECT r_object_id, object_name, completion_statusFROM dmc_rps_master_work_order mwwhere completion_status = ‘PROCESSING’ The following work order (6523) is in progress: dump: select distinct operation_name from dmc_rps_master_work_order select distinct operation_name, count(r_object_id)from dmc_rps_master_work_ordergroup by operation_name RETAINER_PROMOTION ……………………………..829RETAINER_QUALIFICATION…