Folder related queries

Unlink folders:update dm_folder object unlink ‘/Cabinet/Folder1/Folder2/…./Parent Folder’ where r_object_id = ‘0bxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ List folder path and all documents in given path select distinct dm.r_object_id, dm.object_name, dm.a_category, dm.r_creation_date, dm.r_modify_date, dm.r_object_type, f.r_folder_path from dm_document dm, dm_folder f where FOLDER(ID(‘0b01bd6f805353a4’), DESCEND) AND dm.r_object_type in(‘w_doc’,’w_media’) AND f.r_folder_path like ‘%/My Location%’ AND dm.i_folder_id = f.r_object_id ORDER by f.r_folder_path ENABLE (ROW_BASED)  Content…

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Deleted content

queries related to deleted content. Find Deleted Content Find all the deleted content in the repository.  This works well as long as the dm_Clean job has not run.  A technique for undeleting content will be the subject of a future post. select * from dmr_content where any parent_id is NULL and content_size > 0 order…

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Workflow DQL

select distinct xxx_atrb1, due_date, xxxx, task_state, name from xxx_custom_folder, dmi_queue_item, dmi_package, dm_workflow, dm_process, dmi_workitem where due_date >= date(’03/01/2020′) and due_date <= date(’04/01/2020′) and dmi_queue_item.router_id=dmi_package.r_workflow_id and dm_workflow.r_object_id=dmi_queue_item.router_id and dm_workflow.r_object_id=dmi_workitem.r_workflow_id and dm_workflow.process_id=dm_process.r_object_id and task_name like ‘%Custom Task Name%’ and ANY dmi_package.r_component_id = cms_custom_folder.r_object_idorder by name; find by date & finished ones: select distinct cms_custom_id, cms_processing_type, cms_custom_date, cms_task_due_date, due_date, cms_pkg_custom_location, task_state, name from cms_custom_folder, dmi_queue_item, dmi_package, dm_workflow,…

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