Increase xCP Application timeout
Summary In Documentum xCP, the standard application timeout value is 30 seconds. It is efficient for most user activities but in some cases it needs to be extended, for example to avoid timeout errors when running large Full Text searches or slow Real Time Queries. How do you increase the xCP Application timeout? This issue…
xCP Application Uninstaller
It is the latest bundle for subsequent release of xCP Application Uninstaller v1.0 available here. The idea remains same, it is to ease deployment hurdles or free up the resources in DEVELOPMENT environment. This time it is relatively easy to use as it is integrated with xMs-Agent. And offers the complete uninstallation including undeploying the…
Disable IPv6 in the core Documentum product stack
There are several places to check for and configure IPv4 vs IPv6 in a the core Documentum product stack. This article focuses on Content Server, DFC, UCF, JAVA and hardware(NIC). Content Server (CS): The dual-stack mode (IPv4 and IPv6) was first available starting in version 6.5. To disable the IP mode, update the server.ini fileFor…
Counting DQL
queries to count Number of documents created:select datetostring(r_creation_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’) as creation_date, count(*) as document_count, r_object_type from dm_document where r_creation_date >=DATE(TODAY)-7 group by datetostring(r_creation_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’), r_object_type Number of folders created:select datetostring(r_creation_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’) as creation_date, count(*) as folder_count from dm_folder where r_creation_date >=DATE(TODAY)-7 group by datetostring(r_creation_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’) Number of workflows created:select datetostring(r_start_date,’mm-dd-yyyy’) as wf_start_date, count(*) as workflow_count from dm_workflow where r_start_date >=DATE(TODAY)-7 group…
Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 in dfc code
We are getting below error message while uploading documents in repo using the dfc 7.2 code. Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/documentum/mailapp/operations/inbound/DfSeparateAttachments : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 Solution: Summary The easiest solution is to upgrade your runtime to Java 8 or higher, which should resolve the UnsupportedClassVersionError.
Do you need license for using iText?
Yes, if you’re using com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfReader from the iText library in a Java application, you will need a license depending on the intended use of your application. Here’s a breakdown: For more information on licensing and compliance, you can visit iText’s official licensing page: iText Licensing. Using iText without a proper license in commercial or closed-source…
RPS: Repository Connection Diagnostics and more
http://localhost:8080/records/component/diagnostics installed services: Record Dashboard: Find all RQM queue: select r_object_id, message, sign_off_user, sign_off_date from dmi_queue_item where name=’rqm_queue’ Useful DQL: To get details on the queue, use the following query.DQL> select r_object_id, message, sign_off_user, sign_off_date from dmi_queue_item where name=’rqm_queue’The format of the message is:profile_id=”0800a9b580007577″ -render=”true” -arg_object_id=”0800a9b5800082cd”the arg_object_id will be the ID of the work order…
Documentum Records Queue Management for RPS
OpenText™ Documentum™ customers with large compliant repositories can face performance challenges during Workorder processing. To alleviate this issue, OpenText Documentum Records Policy Services has a WorkOrder framework to asynchronously process operations in the background. Using multiple background processing threads enables a higher throughput than is possible in the primary request processing thread.To use this functionality,…
Tomcat configuration
type windows command “regedit” and find this location. and configure all tomcat configuration, and then go to the following path: configuration: D:\tomcat-9.0.85-8090-CMIS\bin\bootstrap.jar;D:\tomcat-9.0.85-8090-CMIS\bin\tomcat-juli.jar or, if you want to use a customconf folder: D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\bin\bootstrap.jar;D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\bin\tomcat-juli.jar;D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\Customconf -Dcatalina.home=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV-Dcatalina.base=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV-Dignore.endorsed.dirs=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\temp-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager-Djava.util.logging.config.file=D:\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\conf\\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\bam\\tomcat-9.0.85-9000-DMV\bam\,SPI-XX:+UseParallelOldGC-Xdebug-Xnoagent-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n –add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED–add-opens=java.base/–add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED–add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED–add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED log: start: stop:
AI and Documentum: Revolutionizing Content Management
Documentum, a well-established content management system (CMS), provides enterprise-level solutions for managing documents, workflows, and compliance. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to transform industries, Documentum is no exception. AI’s integration into Documentum opens up new possibilities for automation, intelligent data processing, and enhanced user experiences. How AI Enhances Documentum: Practical Example: AI and Contract Management…
DQL to find the count of documents in each folder location under /Cabinet/FolderA/FolderB.
Linked documents can definitely affect your folder count. Below is a modified version of your query to help identify where these linked documents might be located: SELECT fdr.r_folder_path, COUNT(doc.r_object_id) as doccnt,sum(doc.i_reference_cnt) as refcnt, sum(doc.r_full_content_size)/1024 as sizeKBFROM dm_document (ALL) doc, dm_folder_r fdrWHERE ANY doc.i_folder_id = fdr.r_object_idAND fdr.r_folder_path like ‘/Temp%’GROUP BY fdr.r_folder_path ORDER BY fdr.r_folder_path result looks…