Category: Content Server
Exploring Documentum: A Comprehensive Guide
In the vast expanse of digital content management solutions, Documentum stands as a colossus, offering robust capabilities for managing, storing, and retrieving a wide array of document types across various industries. This blog aims to demystify Documentum, exploring its core features, benefits, and practical applications that underscore its importance in today’s digital-first world. What is…
How do I add another thumbnail store to add space
Summary How do I add another thumbnail store to add space Resolution Symptoms Errors showing out of space to store thumbnails on server Cause thumbnail store 01 ran out of space and to copy the directory was prohibitive due to time constraints Resolution 1. In DA, we create a dm_location object with name = thumbnail_store_02…
Storage Update
If your storage is full, and you add a new drive/Storage, and need to route all new content to the new one. Here are some useful steps, you really need. Create the dql select ‘alter type ‘ + ti.r_type_name + ‘ SET DEFAULT STORAGE ”filestorex_11” ‘ from dm_store st, dmi_type_info ti where st.r_object_id=ti.default_storage and…
[DFC_BOF_CLASS_CACHE_INIT_ERROR] Failed to initialize class cache.;
[DFC_BOF_CLASS_CACHE_INIT_ERROR] Failed to initialize class cache.; DfException:: THREAD: main; MSG: [DFC_BOF_CLASS_CACHE_INIT_ERROR] Failed to initialize class cache.; ERRORCODE: ff; NEXT: nullat com.documentum.fc.client.impl.bof.cache.NullClassCacheManager.checkCacheConsistency( com.documentum.fc.client.impl.bof.compoundclass.CompoundClassMgr.getImpClass( com.documentum.fc.client.impl.objectmanager.AbstractPersistentObjectFactory.getCompoundClassEntry( com.documentum.fc.client.impl.objectmanager.PObjectFactoryWithAspects.makeObject( com.documentum.fc.client.impl.objectmanager.PersistentObjectManager.newUncachedObject( com.documentum.fc.client.impl.objectmanager.PersistentObjectManager.newObject( com.documentum.fc.client.impl.objectmanager.PersistentObjectManager.newObject( com.documentum.fc.client.impl.session.Session.newObject( com.documentum.fc.client.impl.session.SessionHandle.newObject( The error can be caused if there is more then one application trying to use this directory or if you started your application server with…
xCP Application Uninstaller
It is the latest bundle for subsequent release of xCP Application Uninstaller v1.0 available here. The idea remains same, it is to ease deployment hurdles or free up the resources in DEVELOPMENT environment. This time it is relatively easy to use as it is integrated with xMs-Agent. And offers the complete uninstallation including undeploying the…
Content Compression
Do you want to store the content in compress mode? Are you tired of adding new storage drive frequently? Is your content growing fast? Here is the solution. You need to enable Content Compression. Content compression requires a Content Storage Services (CSS) license. The Content Storage Services (CSS) add-on allows you to create and use content storage…
Disable IPv6 in the core Documentum product stack
There are several places to check for and configure IPv4 vs IPv6 in a the core Documentum product stack. This article focuses on Content Server, DFC, UCF, JAVA and hardware(NIC). Content Server (CS): The dual-stack mode (IPv4 and IPv6) was first available starting in version 6.5. To disable the IP mode, update the server.ini fileFor…
Folder related queries
Unlink folders:update dm_folder object unlink ‘/Cabinet/Folder1/Folder2/…./Parent Folder’ where r_object_id = ‘0bxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ List folder path and all documents in given path select distinct dm.r_object_id, dm.object_name, dm.a_category, dm.r_creation_date, dm.r_modify_date, dm.r_object_type, f.r_folder_path from dm_document dm, dm_folder f where FOLDER(ID(‘0b01bd6f805353a4’), DESCEND) AND dm.r_object_type in(‘w_doc’,’w_media’) AND f.r_folder_path like ‘%/My Location%’ AND dm.i_folder_id = f.r_object_id ORDER by f.r_folder_path ENABLE (ROW_BASED) Content…
DQL hints
1. RETURN_TOP N This hint limits the number of rows that a query returns. If you are not interested in seeing all the rows but only the top five (for example), use this code: SELECT user_name FROM dm_user ENABLE (RETURN_TOP 5) 2. OPTIMIZE_TOP N This hint directs the database server to return the first n…
Deleted content
queries related to deleted content. Find Deleted Content Find all the deleted content in the repository. This works well as long as the dm_Clean job has not run. A technique for undeleting content will be the subject of a future post. select * from dmr_content where any parent_id is NULL and content_size > 0 order…